Recent News

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E-Statements Now Live

E-Statements went live with May's end-of-month billing cycle. For those customers that previously requested the E-Statement option should have received an email showing their bill. Be sure to...

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E-Statement Update

The module for this option has not yet gone live, therefore the end of month billing for March 2024 will be sent the same as previously. Hopefully, it will be active for the end of month billing...

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E-Statement Update

The previous notice sent earlier this morning pertains to those customers that have requested to receive E-Statement billing. Apologies for any confusion. Any customer wishing to request...

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E-Statement Option Coming Soon

PWSD #6 of Clay County will be implementing an E-Statement option for customers in the near future. This option will provide the customer with a water bill via email instead of receiving a hard...

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This notification is to inform customers of PWSD #6, the District has implemented the 2024 Water Rates increase. The minimum base rate will increase $2.00 with commodity rates increasing $0.43 and...

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Accessing Customer Account Balance

You may have noticed a different look/process when paying your water bill online through the District website. Customer Account Balance is now accessible through the Payment Service Network (PSN)...

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Meter Change Out Program

PWSD 6 has applied and been granted ARPA funding through Clay County commissioners for an extensive Meter Change Out Program. Several Water Meters in the District have been deemed outdated and are...

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We need your help to keep cost down and be efficient. The Water District is asking each customer watch out for damage to the water meter lid and meter reading device attached to the lid. Each...

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The Board of Directors would like you to be aware of any unusual wet spots or standing water. This could be a waterline leak. If you encounter any, please contact our office and staff will come...

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Payment Due Date

Your payment for water services with PWSD #6 of Clay County is due the 15th of each month, unless it falls on a weekend or holiday and then it will be the following business day. Bills not paid by...

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